Meister Hora's Challenge To The Reader

I would like to take this opportunity to present a challenge to the reader.

As many as six people have been sacrificed at the villa in Shino. The bodies of five of them, with the exception of Tonegawa Tsugumi, were discovered under circumstances that could be described as “impossible crimes”.

There are two mysteries that I would like everyone to solve – through the use of logic, not intuition:

① Who is the murderer (D. Cassiopeia's accomplice)?

② How did that person create a series of impossible crimes?

As promised, this is a traditional mystery novel... All the materials necessary for you to deduce the truth have already been presented. As I said back in my foreword, I have not lied in my words in the story, and of course, the murderer is one of the names appearing in the “Cast of Characters”.

If you analyze the information you've been presented and put it together in the proper order, you will be able to uncover the identity of the murderer, the methods of their crimes... and everything else.

With that, I wish you all the best of luck.


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  1. Again: You will get no credit if you don't show your work.


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