Meister Hora's Second Challenge to the Reader
Do forgive me if I'm overstepping my bounds, but I would like to hand out my second challenge to the reader now.
In the enclosed spaces of both the VR and real worlds, the murders of MICHI, YUKI, and KENZAN in the VR world have all been solved.
Now, only the murders of Munakata and Fuwa in the real world remain to be solved.
There are three mysteries, which you must solve not by guessing, but through the application of logic.
① Who is the Executioner who killed Munakata and Fuwa?
② How was the impossible murder of Munakata accomplished?
③ How were the puzzling circumstances of Fuwa's murder brought about?
All of the material needed to solve the above puzzles has already been given to you, so if you combine all of the information you have been given and analyze it correctly, you will be able to reveal the true identity of the Executioner.
Although it may be repetitive, I shall add a few things in the interest of fairness: Both Puppet Hall and Megalodon Manor have indeed been isolated from the outside world since the start of “Delicious Death for Detectives”.
The Executioner is one of the seven people in that enclosed space, and of course, is one of the people listed at the start of this story. The Executioner also worked without help from the victims or any of the other players.
Furthermore, Kurata's words as the Gamemaster contain no lies.
Finally, I assure you that this incident does not involve time travel or any unknown forces.
Once again, I wish you all the best of luck in your battle for the truth.
Moment of truth.