Hello and welcome! If this is our first meeting, my name is Mitsuda Madoy, I occasionally stream as a vtuber on Twitch, and I love Japanese mystery fiction more than I love myself.

(If this isn't our first meeting, all of that is still true.)

This website has been set up as a repository for all of the translations of works in this strange and wonderful genre done by myself and my friend cosmiicnana (I set up the blog before Nana joined the team, that's why their name isn't in it).

Full disclosure, my Japanese is nowhere near the level actually needed to translate a full length novel, I am heavily reliant on MTL programs. Nana's is better than mine, and I do extensive, line-by-line edits of every single thing I post here to ensure there are no errors, everything is internally consistent, text flows smoothly, characters actually feel like characters, and generally that the final product isn't miserable to read.

In the event that information didn't completely turn you off, I've also set up a Patreon for anyone who likes what we're doing here.

 But enough about us, here's the translation directory. Works are sorted alphabetically by author's last name.


Houjou, Kie

The Ryuuzen Clan

The Time Traveler's Hourglass 

Visitors to the Isolated Island - Out when it's done

Delicious Death for Detectives 


Kitayama, Takekuni

The Lapis Lazuli Castle Murders 


Kamosaki, Danro

Murder in the Golden Age of Locked Rooms

Murder in the Golden Age of Locked Rooms - The House of Snow and the Six Tricks

Murder in the Age of Locked Room Mania - The Solitary Island in the Distant Sea and the Seven Tricks 


Kurachi, Jun

Murders in the Mountain Lodges Beneath the Shooting Stars 
