

All rooms are equipped with air-conditioning (temperature control, exhaust system) and ventilation equipment.


All rooms are equipped with air-conditioning (temperature control, air distribution system) and ventilation equipment.


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  1. Welcome to the author's notes! As a reward for perusing the rest of the blog, you get to read my rambling thoughts on the book!

    I'm pretty sure the "Manor" in "Megalodon Manor" and the "Hall" in "Puppet Hall" were the same word in Japanese, but I like the sound of these better.

    Speaking of Puppet Hall, the word in Japanese more accurately translates to "doll", but if I translated it as "Doll House", then I would have had to talk about the dollhouse in Doll House, and that would have just gotten way too confusing. Imagine trying to use a screen reader on that version of the book.

    I don't like that Megalodon Manor has a storeroom, a storage room, AND a warehouse, but I ran out of words for storeroom, and I'm not sure the subtle distinctions between them were really all there even in the original Japanese, so oh well.

    That said, "Megalodon Manor" is a rad name for a building.

    That's all for now. Spoilers are forbidden, but feel free to comment down here and give theories and predictions as they come to you. That's half the fun, after all.


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